COVID-19 Relief Fund Reporting

November 03, 2020 • By: MNA, Montana Nonprofit Association

Coronavirus Relief Fund Reporting Resources

MNA will keep this page updated with resources and answers to frequently asked questions as the reporting process continues. Be sure to check back regularly!


Join MNA’s Town Halls to discuss the Coronavirus Relief Fund grant reporting requirements:



Submit a question to MNA about the CRF grant reporting process.

MNA will answer your question as we are able and will also pass it along to the State of Montana.



Sign up for a FREE help desk consultation with MNA to discuss your grant reporting.



CRF General Ledger How-To

Step-by-Step Guide to Reporting Coronavirus Relief Funds Created by Anderson ZurMuehlen


Frequently Asked Questions (Updated November 17, 2020)

  • Do we need to complete a report for each of the grants we received from the CRF?
    • Yes, you will be required to fill out a complete report for each of the grants your organization received and must be able to account for expenditures for each grant. Whoever in your organization filled out the grant will see the report submission in their profile once they log into the Submittable portal.
  • If we received two rounds of Social Service grants, do we need to report on the total amount of awarded funds?
    • Yes, if you received two Social Service grants, you will only have to submit one interim and one final report, but it will be for the total amount awarded through both rounds of funding.
  • For what time period can eligible expenses be incurred for CRF grant funds?
    • Eligible expenses from March 1, 2020 – December 30, 2020 can be tied to CRF grant funds and used to show compliance with grant parameters. Eligible expenses cannot overlap with expenses from other state and federal CARES Act funding, such as Paycheck Protection Program expenditures.
  • Am I required to submit both an interim and final report?

    • Yes, in addition to this interim report that details expenditures to date, a final report will be due by January 30, 2021 that details all grant expenditures through December 30, 2020.
  • If I have spent and/or obligated off my grant funds by September 30, 2020, can I submit my final report now instead of an interim report?

    • Yes, if you have accurately and appropriately incurred expenses for all of your grant funds by September 30, 2020, you are able to select that “This report is a Final Report” at the top of the report form and not have to submit an additional report by January 31, 2020. If your grant was for more than $50,000, you will need to submit a detailed General Ledger Report showing expenses for all of the grant funds. The current report form now allows you to submit that GL Report now.
  • Can I use CRF Funds to pay for payroll taxes?

    • No. No CARES Act funds can be used to pay for federal payroll taxes. When calculating eligible payroll expenses, please use gross wages – including benefits – in your calculations and ensure that no payroll taxes are included.
  • Can I prepay 2021 expenses or use CRF for expenses that carry over into 2021, like insurances and professional service contracts?

    • You are not allowed to prepay any 2021 expenditures, such as mortgage/rent or utilities, using CRF funds. Additionally, you are only allowed to pay for the portion of any expenses from March 1-December 2020 and must exclude any portion of those expenses that either starts before March 1 or carries over into 2021.
  • What is meant by “obligated funds”?

    • Obligated funds are those that are contractually committed but not yet spent. This would include such expenses as rent or mortgage (tied to a lease/mortgage contract), professional services tied to a contract, and planned payroll expenses, which are tied to employment contracts.
  • We only received a Round 2 Social Service grant (not Round 1). Where is my interim report?

    • If you only received a Round 2 Social Service grant, you are not required to submit an interim report on your use of funds. You will only have to complete a final report by January 31, 2021.
  • Are we allowed to sub-grant CRF funds to other organizations or individuals?
    • You are NOT allowed to sub-grant funds to other organizations or individuals. You are allowed to pay for services provided per a contract and, if for the School Age Child Care grant, you can refund or reduce tuition fees paid by parents for childcare service provided by your organization. But you cannot sub grant funds to other entities.

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