MNA is excited to continue growing our rural community Nonprofit Ambassador program in 2025. This program aims to provide local capacity-building support to rural and under-resourced communities through local contract positions, with a focus on relationship building, resource distribution, and development of targeted learning opportunities. MNA launched this program in spring 2022 in Eastern Montana and has since expanded to over seven rural communities across Montana.
MNA Nonprofit Ambassadors work to help connect community leaders to resources, each other, and the Montana nonprofit community at large. They play a key role in MNA’s efforts to provide information, support, and resources to rural nonprofits. Ambassadors meet regularly with MNA staff and other network leaders across the state and are focused on maintaining and growing relationships with community leaders to learn about needs and strengths, facilitating training opportunities with MNA, and hosting networking events.
Ambassadors serve as a liaison between rural nonprofits and MNA staff to help shape MNA’s work in a way that uplifts all nonprofits while centering rural, BIPOC-led and/or -serving, and smaller organizations. Because of the focal point of this position, it is essential that applicants live in rural communities. In 2025, MNA is prioritizing partnerships with applicants with existing relationships to local capacity building organizations or community coalitions. These anchor organizations will host the ambassador.
This part-time contract position is a great opportunity for someone who is already engaged in similar work: hosting gatherings of nonprofit leaders, connecting volunteer and paid leaders to resources to support their missions, and building community. MNA is looking to fill Ambassador positions in seven rural communities in Montana in 2025.
Please see the full contract description here. If you would like to learn more about this program, please contact Tylyn Newcomb.
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