Political Climate Response Planning Guide

February 26, 2025 • By: MNA, Montana Nonprofit Association

Our Political Climate Response Planning Guide has been developed to offer suggestions for response strategies as organizations navigate uncertain futures and a hostile political climate. This will be updated with resources and suggestions. It is intended as an opportunity to help organizations identify and prioritize their most important next steps in navigating uncertainty and responding proactively as circumstances change.

MNA recognizes the intent of recent Executive Orders to create a sense of urgency and fear among individuals and organizations about the real harm caused by potential and actual funding cuts. This climate makes it easy for organizational leaders to feel overwhelmed and adrift.

This resource provides our top recommendations for the needs you are facing, knowing there are a lot of resources and information for leaders to sift through. Countless resources exist if our suggestions don’t meet your needs. This FAQ guide from NCN is a great starting place.

MNA advises all organizations at this time to:

  1. Find trusted sources of news. We recommend the National Council of Nonprofits, the Urban Institute, and Montana Free Press.
  2. Identify your risk level for loss of funding (guide below).
  3. Prioritize the most important actions.
  4. Act in solidarity. We are all stronger together.

Risk Mapping for Your Organization

Consideration This is true for us This is somewhat true for us This is not true for us
We receive federal funding Hibernate + Strategize Strategize Support
We receive state funding Strategize Strategize Support
We have funders who align politically with EOs Strategize Strategize Support
We have partners who receive federal funding Support + Strategize Support + Strategize Support

Organizations that receive federal or state funding are most at risk of losing funding in the immediate future. While other organizations may be subject to law changes at some point, that remains unclear as of February 26th, 2025.  This may change rapidly, but at this time the nature of the Executive Orders and federal funding means non-federally funded organizations are NOT in the highest risk category.

However, almost every organization can take steps now to support themselves and our communities during a time of uncertainty.

Use the grid below to identify your response strategy and next steps, then prioritize the actions you’ll need to take in the next two weeks.

What to do if you are:

Governance (the board)

Scenario & Strategic Planning

Fund Development

  • Montana and regional funders are currently assessing federal funding at risk in Montana. Check back for updates.
  • Consider hiring an expert to help identify alternative funding sources during this time. MNA’s Partners for Good are ready and waiting.

Advocacy & Public Policy


Human Resources

Financial Management


  • Determine which programs are most impacted by funding freeze and determine if you can pause or isolate.

Accountability, Transparency, and Disclosure

  • Consider hiring an expert to help interpret legal needs and orders during this time. MNA’s Partners for Good are ready and waiting.


  • Ensure staff information is kept safe and secure.
  • Prioritize identifying cybersecurity risks and develop an action plan to tighten up systems and processes.


  • Census and Survey Data (IPUMS)With many federal data sources being removed, find census and American Community Survey microdata.
  • Sign up HERE to receive resources detailing the impact of the freeze on MT nonprofits to share with stakeholders (link forthcoming)

Networks and Partners

Governance (the board)

With the board or executive committee, Review NCN’s Executive Order Summary Chart and identify how EOs and the climate they create might impact your organization.

Review NCN’s FAQs to gain clarity.

Scenario & Strategic Planning

MNA’s Scenario Planning Budget Workbook

Fund Development

Montana and regional funders are currently assessing federal funding at risk in Montana. Check back for updates.

Consider hiring an expert to help identify alternative funding sources during this time. MNA’s Partners for Good are ready and waiting.

Advocacy & Public Policy

Share your story. Access MNA’s free Letter to the Editor and Op-Ed Toolkit.

What to share with congressional delegations: Template forthcoming!


Consider what your threshold of risk is to change language on your materials and website, weighing the threat of funding cuts with meeting the needs of your community.

Crisis Management Communication Tips for Leaders

Colorado Nonprofits Crisis Communication Plan Toolkit

Human Resources

Layoff and Furlough Resource

Staff Safety Guide (forthcoming)

Navigating the Waters of Unemployment Liability | Free Webinar | March 19th

Explore resources for social movements under attack with this resource from Building Movement

Explore resources for social movements under attack with this resource from Building Movement

Consider hiring an expert to help navigate HR needs during this time. MNA’s Partners for Good are ready and waiting.

Westaff is also offering 1 hour of free consulting to any member of MNA. Email hr@westaffmt.com to schedule

Financial Management

12 Urgent Financial Action Steps for Nonprofits in 2025


Determine which programs are potentially most impacted by the funding freeze and determine what is needed to isolate or potentially pause.

Accountability, Transparency, and Disclosure

Consider hiring an expert to help interpret legal needs and orders during this time. MNA’s Partners for Good are ready and waiting.

Nonprofit Legal Compliance in an Unfriendly Political Environment


Ensure staff information is kept safe and secure.

Prioritize identifying cybersecurity risks and develop an action plan to tighten up systems and processes.


Census and Survey Data (IPUMS). With many federal data sources being removed, find census and American Community Survey microdata.

Networks and Partners

Join any of MNA’s free monthly member calls to connect with others.

Make sure you’re plugged in with your subsector coalition group (e.g. MT Housing Coalition, MT Watershed Coordination Council). Not sure if you have one? Contact MNA!

Governance (the board)

Prioritize a generative conversation at your next board meeting. Consider asking the board to discuss:

  • What do we need to know about the political situation and how it intersects with our organization and community?
  • Who may be impacted most by recent EOs? Do we have a role in supporting them?
  • What do we need to have in place now in case the situation changes rapidly?

Scenario & Strategic Planning

MNA’s Scenario Planning Budget Workbook

Fund Development

Continue as normal, with a spirit of generosity for organizations that may be at risk of losing significant funding.

Advocacy & Public Policy

Share your story AND help amplify the sector’s impact. Access MNA’s free Letter to the Editor and Op-Ed Toolkit.

What to share with congressional delegations: Template forthcoming!


Continue as normal AND identify opportunities to amplify the work of all nonprofits in supporting Montanans’ quality of life.

Human Resources

Consider conducting a handbook policy review (forthcoming)

Reflect on how to protect social movements under attack with this resource from Building MovementFinancial Management

Financial Management

12 Urgent Financial Action Steps for Nonprofits in 2025


Consider what programs your community members rely on that may be at risk and what gaps might emerge. Identify adaptations to your existing programs and services to compensate, if needed.

Accountability, Transparency, and Disclosure

Nonprofit Legal Compliance in an Unfriendly Political Environment


Brush up on Cybersecurity basics and protocols


Census and Survey Data (IPUMS). With many federal data sources being removed, find census and American Community Survey microdata.

Hone your theory of change and impact evaluation with this pre-recorded course from 2024.

Networks and Partners

Join any of MNA’s free monthly member calls to connect with others.

Make sure you’re plugged in with your subsector coalition group (e.g. MT Housing Coalition, MT Watershed Coordination Council). Not sure if you have one? Contact MNA!

We recommend selecting 2-5 of the above resources to review and apply with your team in the coming week. This resource will continue to be updated as the situation evolves and your needs change. Please reach out to mna@mtnonprofit.org with additional questions and needs.

Watch the Recording

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