
Category: Technology

Contact Name: David Preis


Phone: 877-784-7268

Through a special arrangement, MNA members can purchase an annual subscription to GrantStation for $139. That’s more than 75% off the regular price of $699.

As an added benefit, MNA pays for all of its members to receive the GrantStation Insider weekly eNews. GrantStation Insider provides the grantseeker with information about funding opportunities, foundation news, and development technical assistance.

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Program Description

GrantStation is an advanced searchable database of more than 7,000 active funding sources and includes grant opportunities from federal and state sources, private foundations, corporate funders, associations, and international funding sources. Information provided includes contact information, eligibility, giving levels, scope and focus, areas of interest, application procedures, etc. GrantStation subscribers also gain access to research tips, proposal building tutorials and “How to” services including:

Getting Started

MNA members who wish to purchase an annual GrantStation subscription and participate in this program should call MNA at 406-449-3717.


For general program information about services available through GrantStation, visit their website or contact David Preis at 877-784-7268. (To purchase GrantStation at the MNA member rate of $95 per year, you must use the order form in “Getting Started” above)

For general information about any of MNA’s programs, contact MNA by email or call 406-449-3717