Community Centric Fundraising: From Principles to Action

April 06, 2023 • By: MNA, Montana Nonprofit Association

You’ve been reading about Community Centric Fundraising. Maybe you’re attending next week’s Fundraising Summit. You feel like you’re ready to make a change to your fundraising process – you’re inspired by the idea of bringing equity into fundraising, and you’d like to make your model more community centric.. But where do you start? What are the obstacles you’re going to run into? Who can support you in the process?

Enter the Community Centric Fundraising Cohort. In this cohort, you’ll be guided through implementation of Community Centric Fundraising principles in your fundraising practice – and you’ll have peers to support you while you do it.

Led by Michelle Muri, this five session workshop series will combine content, peer groups, practice, and dialogue to move you from principle to action in your community centric fundraising.

Course begins June 8 and continues monthly through October 12 via Zoom
Registration starts at $350 and can include up to two team members from your organization.


  • Small Org Sliding Scale Rate: $350
    • For those with limited access to resources.
  • MNA Members: $500
    • For MNA member organizations who can pay a small sum or non-members with limited access to funds.
  • Non-MNA Members: $750
    • For non-MNA member organizations who can afford a small sum.
  • Supporters + Sustainers: $1,000
    • For organizations with access to resources.

Cohort Schedule

Session 1: June 8

Foundational Principles, Racist Roots of Nonprofits and Philanthropy, Our Goals, How We Do This Work, Small Groups   

Michelle will present a brief history of the racist roots of nonprofits and philanthropy. The cohort will share introductions and reasons for participating, name goals, select the principles to focus on and review community-centric fundraising principles.

Session 2: July 13

Community Centric Fundraising: From Principles to Action  

The second session will be a highly-facilitated ninety minute workshop session where we’ll take on one of the principles chosen by cohort members. We’ll use adult learning and collaboration techniques to work through the principle with group dialogue, thought sharing and resource building on the team. This session will bring a group analysis to one of the principles, as well as group generated possibilities for new strategies and tactical decisions.

Session 3: August 10

Community Centric Fundraising: From Principles to Action   

The third session will be another highly-facilitated ninety minute workshop session where we’ll take on another principle chosen by cohort members introducing a new facilitation mode. We’ll use explore resource and building among colleagues in a new facilitation mode, using each other as consultants to break through our challenges. This session will continue to generate possibilities for new strategies and tactical decisions.

Session 4: September 14

Hard Conversations in Community Centric Fundraising  

Having had practice in small and large group facilitation – this fourth session will have cohort members practicing difficult conversations. We will use another unique facilitation including an exploration of what Principle 6 means, and careful conversation and role-play based on trust built through small groups.

Session 5: October 12

Taking Action – Plan Presentation  

In our final session, we’ll review the modules we have been through together, make time for gratitude and conduct large group discussion, sharing out plans built and actions chosen based on our work together!

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