We invite you to join MNA’s growing membership. Together, we’re a force for good!
As a Montana Nonprofit Association member, you get access to MNA’s dedicated knowledge base, exclusive member discounts, and networking opportunities. Plus, you join over 800 organizations dedicated to supporting Montana’s nonprofit sector.
Organizations that engage with their state associations are shown to have more funding, program, and mission capacity. MNA membership strengthens your organization and the Montana nonprofit sector through the following benefits:
Membership Pricing
*Nonprofit dues are determined based on the annual operating budget of the organization. Fiscally sponsored organizations should join based on their ‘project budget’ (rather than the operating budget of the parent organization). If your organization cannot afford to pay full dues, please reach out to us – we do not want that to be a barrier to accessing our resources.
For businesses that serve the nonprofit sector, MNA Affiliate Membership provides opportunities to show your support for nonprofits and reach over 700 MNA member organizations.
Discounts to attend MNA’s Annual Conference
Feature in MNA monthly newsletter
Discounted Conference Sponsorship & Exhibitor Booth Opportunities
Recognition on MNA’s website
Affiliate Member social media posts on MNA social profiles
Listing in the Partners for Good Directory
Opportunity to host free webinars for nonprofit members
Opportunity to guest blog on our website
Member rates on MNA’s Nonprofit Job Board
Free download of MNA’s Principles and Practices for Nonprofit Excellence in Montana
* Individual membership benefits only include discounted training registration.