Professional Development for Nonprofit Managers

Hone your management skills, build your network, and level up your impact. Whether you are steering direct service programs or overseeing back-office support, your work as a manager shapes how the mission comes to life. MNA’s Accelerator is built with you in mind. From best practices in project and budget planning to exploring performance management strategies, Accelerator provides participants with opportunities to learn, practice, and discuss how to deliver organizational strategy through effective management of programs and people. 


Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Priority deadline is August 31st.

Nonprofit Manager Fundamentals 

Montana Nonprofit Association believes managers of people and programs achieve impactful results when they:  

  1. Cultivate self-awareness. 
  2. Develop and sustain relationships built on trust. 
  3. Create comprehensive, realistic plans that align with overall organizational needs.  
  4. Accurately evaluate project and organizational outcomes. 
  5. Support employee growth and development.  
  6. Prioritize and advocate for inclusive and equitable approaches and outcomes.

What You’ll Learn

Throughout the Accelerator experience, participants will be invited to: 

  • Discover personal strengths as a manager 
  • Deepen knowledge of nonprofit management fundamentals and responsibilities 
  • Connect with peers across the state 

This program is built on our Nonprofit Management Fundamentals. Participants will be introduced to these fundamentals, explore them within the cohort, and be prepared to practice and master them throughout and after the program.

Program Format 

This 10-week intensive manager training will meet virtually every other Tuesday, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM, including Oct 22, Nov 5, Nov 19, Dec 3, Dec 17.

Participants will take part in five sessions over ten weeks, totaling OVER 12 hours of live classroom time on Zoom. This learning will be supplemented with online content delivered via our learning management system. Participants will explore the nonprofit fundamentals and leave with tools, protocols, and confidence implementing best practices in areas from performance management to budget planning to team culture.  

This program has been developed for new nonprofit managers that oversee at least one employee. Those with more management experience, those who manage a program but don’t oversee employees, or those on track for executive leadership may also find value in this program. 

Program Schedule 

  • Applications Open: June 13th
  • Priority Application Deadline: August 31st
  • Final Deadline: September 18th
  • Pre-Work | Completed in September/October
  • Zoom Classes: Every other Tuesday, October 22nd- December 17th  | 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM MTN 
  • Bi-weekly Office Hours for access to 1:1 questions and feedback 

Program Delivery 

  • Bi-Weekly meetings will take place over Zoom  
  • Content will be released through our learning management system, Thinkific, each week in advance of the live session. 
  • Pre-work will take around 5 hours to complete.
  • Participants will be expected to complete 1-2 hours of work each week in addition to class time.
  • Participants will have access to a peer forum for engagement and questions.

What past participants have said:

“Really great class, especially for its first year. It’s exactly what I had been asking my supervisor for help/training with for multiple years and met my goals for learning and then some!”

“Thank you so much for facilitating such an informative and impactful course!”

“Thank you so much for your time putting this together. I feel really grateful that I was a part of this! You both are doing great work and I think your approach is fantastic. I will definitely be recommending this course to others!

Fee: $495

Available to current MNA Member Organizations + Kentucky Nonprofit Network Members only. 

15% discount for groups of four or more from one organization and All Access Pass Holders. Limited scholarships for MNA Members only available: Apply here.

This program may be eligible for IWT Funding. Learn more here. If you decide to apply, you can use this document for the application packet.

Support MNA Leadership Programming

Interested in supporting nonprofit leadership development in Montana? Become a sponsor, with opportunities starting at $2,500 up to $5,000. Sponsors gain the opportunity to share their message and brand with the Catalyst audience and beyond while helping sustain leadership programming for Montana nonprofit professionals. Contact Michael Hale for more information. We look forward to partnering with you!

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Want to take your skills even further?

Check out UM’s new Certified Public Manager Program!