Nonprofits provide essential services, support Montana’s quality of life, and partner with government to uphold our state’s social safety net.

Charitable nonprofit organizations operate in every county and in all Tribal Nations in Montana. 11.8% of Montanans work for charitable nonprofits as frontline workers, guardians of community well-being, and economic drivers. They bring community-based, people-centered solutions and lighten the burdens of government, taxpayers, and society.  At MNA, we support Montana nonprofits by providing information, support, and resources for success.


Total wages paid by Montana nonprofits.


Percentage of Montanans employed by nonprofits.


Number of Montanans employed by nonprofits.

Connect with MNA to learn more about nonprofits in MT

Montana’s nonprofits generated over $9 billion in income in 2023

Last year’s funds generated by nonprofits are returned back to the state through mission-driven work. These are all-volunteer organizations, neighbors helping neighbors. Examples of these organizations include little leagues, PTAs, 4-H clubs, and more! Nonprofits are the pillars and providers of vital service for rural and urban Montanans. Healthcare, after school programs, college scholarships, senior housing, museums, food pantries, homeless shelters, affordable housing, and more are all made possible in Montana through the hard work of nonprofits. In addition, 42.9% of all charitable nonprofits in Montana operate with a budget of less than $500.


MNA Nonprofit Operating Budgets Report

Charitable nonprofits operate in every region of Montana.

They drive the economy, keep government small, bring efficiencies and resources to their communities, and are essential to Montana’s vitality and prosperity. 38% of charitable nonprofits operate in rural areas and make up 35.6% of nonprofit employment.


MNA Nonprofits by Region Map

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