Our best assets

MNA believes strongly that our team is what makes our organization strong, and we’re so very proud of these people that dedicate their work to supporting Montana’s nonprofit sector.

Three women pose for a photo during MNA annual conference.
Shelby Rogala converses with a conference attendee.
Kate Arpin, Tylyn Newcomb, and Emily Healy pose at a conference registration table, with laptops and stacks of books.

Shelby Rogala

Professional and Organizational Development Director

Kate Arpin

Communication & Platforms Manager

Amy Shike

Operations Coordinator

Adam Jespersen

Executive Director

Tylyn Newcomb

Membership Manager

Michael Hale

Accounting & Grants Manager

Lorianne Burhop

Public Policy Director

The MNA team poses with a scenic river background in Missoula Montana. The team includes five women and two men.